China’s Belt and Road Initiative is Reshaping Human Rights Norms
Interpretative Challenges of 28 U.S.C. § 1782 in the Aftermath of Intel Corp. v. AMD, Inc.
Hold the High-Water Line: A Transnationally Informed Coastline Protection Scheme in the U.S.
Data Imperialism: The GDPR’s Disastrous Impact on Africa’s E-Commerce Markets
Standing, Still? The Evolution of the Doctrine of Standing in the American and Israeli Judiciaries
A Sinking World: A Model Framework for Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Coastal Cities
Unintended Consequences for Reversing Rapprochement
Redefining LGBTQ & Abortion Rights in Latin America: A Transnational Toolkit
Applying New International Principles of Transboundary Water Allocation
US and EU Efforts to Combat International Money Laundering in the Art Market are no Masterpiece
Regulating Corruption in Intercountry Adoption
Climate Change Refugees in the Time of Sinking Islands
CEDAW and Treaty Compliance: Promoting Access to Modern Contraception
Tweet to Defeat Government Bribes: Limiting Extraterritorial Jurisdiction under the Foreign Corrupt
The Gap-Filling Role of Private Environmental Governance: A Case Study of Semiconductor Supply Chain
Water Management on the Brahmaputra and the Applicability of the UNECE Water Convention
Ebola Does Not Fall from the Sky: Structural Violence & International Responsibility
“Development” Versus “Sustainable Development”?: (Re-) Constructing the International Bank for Susta
Made in Misery: Mandating Supply Chain Labor Compliance
Constructing a “Creative Reading”: Will US State Cannabis Legislation Threaten the Fate of the Inter