Creating the Right Mentality: Dealing with the Problem of Juror Delinquency in the New South Korean
The Title VII Tug-of-War: Application of U.S. Employment Discrimination Law Extraterritorially
A Paper Tiger with Bite: A Defense of the War Powers Resolution
Judicial Interference: Redefining the Role of the Judiciary within the Context of U.S. and E.U. Merg
Resolving the Dissonance of Rodriguez and the Right to Education: International Human Rights Instru
Reinventing American Immigration Policy for the 21st Century
Increasing Global Demand for an Uncensored Internet—How the U.S. Can Help Defeat Online Censorship b
Tissue Tug-of-War: A Comparison of International and U.S. Perspectives on the Regulation of Human Ti
The Regulation of DDT: A Choice between Evils
Looking Beyond the Dabhol Debacle: Examining its Causes and Understanding its Lessons
Voodoo Economics: A Look Abroad for a Supply-Side Solution to America’s Campaign-Finance Riddle
Towards Global Convenience, Fairness, and Judicial Economy: An Argument in Support of Conditional F
Dutch Treat: Netherlands Judiciary Only Goes Halfway Towards Adopting Delaware Trilogy in Takeover C
Dubai or not Dubai?: A Review of Foreign Investment and Acquisition Laws in the U.S. and Canada
Whose Child Is This?: Genetic Analysis and Family Reunification Immigration in France
Law Triangle: Arbitrating International Reinsurance Disputes Under the New York Convention, the McCa
You Get What You Pay For?: Rethinking U.S. Organ Procurement Policy in Light of Foreign Models
Advertising Obesity: Can the U.S. Follow the Lead of the UK in Limiting Television Marketing of Unhe
Non-Refoulement: The Search for a Consistent Interpretation of Article 33
Beyond Economics: The U.S. Recognition of International Financial Reporting Standards as an Internat