The Millennium Challenge Account: Influencing Governance in Developing Countries Through Performance
The Emperor Is Still Naked: Why the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa Leaves Women Exposed t
Replacing Slingshots with Swords: Implications of the Antigua-Gambling 22.6 Panel Report for Develop
Honesty Is the Best Policy: A Case for the Limitation of Deceptive Police Interrogation Practices in
“Shelter Chic”: Can the U.S. Government Make it Work?
NAFTA Cross-Border Trucking: Mexico Retaliates After Congress Stops Mexican Trucks at the Border
Establishing an Aggressive Legal Framework for the Future of Wind Energy in Europe
Say What You Mean: Improved Drafting Resources as a Means for Increasing the Consistency of Interpre
Cultivating Farmers’ Rights: Reconciling Food Security, Indigenous Agriculture, and TRIPS
A Chance for Redemption: Revising the “Persecutor Bar” and “Material Support Bar” in the Case of Chi
Greater Mutual Fund Transparency in India: Enhanced Disclosure Protection for India’s Mutual Fund Un
Private Certification Versus Public Certification in the International Environmental Arena: The Mari
The Conflict Between the Alien Tort Statute Litigation and Foreign Amnesty Laws
The Use of Mortgage-Backed Securities in International Comparative Perspective: Lessons and Insights
Standardizing the Principles of International Election Observation
Missed Opportunity: Congress’s Attempted Response to the World’s Demand for the Violence Against Wom
Al-Bihani, Not So Charming
The United States Guestworker Program: The Need for Reform
Forgive Me, Founding Fathers for I Have Sinned: A Reconciliation of Foreign Affairs Preemption After
A Model Copyright Exemption to Serve the Visually Impaired: An Alternative to the Treaty Proposals B