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Dec 20, 2014
Determining International Responsibility Under the New Extra-EU Investment Agreements: What Foreign
The EU’s newly acquired competence over foreign investment poses largely unprecedented legal challenges: the Union’s unique structure and...

Dec 20, 2014
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States and Canada: Fractured Neoliberalism and the Regulator
Although both Canada and the United States review foreign investment for national security concerns, Canada also requires that the...

Dec 20, 2014
The United Nations Watercourses Convention on the Dawn of Entry Into Force
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (Watercourses Convention) entered...

Dec 20, 2014
Manifest Illegality and the ICC Superior Orders Defense: Schuldtheorie Mistake of Law Doctrine as an
While the Anglo-American and international legal systems adhere to the rule that “a mistake of the law excuses no one,” German...

Dec 20, 2014
The Dehumanization of International Humanitarian Law: Legal, Ethical, and Political Implications of
In the future, a growing number of combat operations will be carried out by autonomous weapon systems (AWS). At the operational level,...

Dec 20, 2014
Getting Off the Mommy Track: An International Model Law Solution to the Global Maternity Discrimina
Women’s roles in workplaces around the globe have been growing steadily for the past half-century. Yet, in everything from pay to...
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