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Jan 8, 2014
Plain Packaging and the Interpretation of the TRIPS Agreement
Plain packaging of cigarettes as a way of reducing tobacco consumption and its related health costs and effects raises a number of...
Jul 11, 2012
Replacing Slingshots with Swords: Implications of the Antigua-Gambling 22.6 Panel Report for Develop
In December 2007, the WTO awarded Antigua the right to suspend TRIPS obligations at a value of $21 million. This decision represents the...
Jul 6, 2012
Cultivating Farmers’ Rights: Reconciling Food Security, Indigenous Agriculture, and TRIPS
This Note discusses strategies for cultivating Farmers’ Rights internationally. The rise of international treaties awarding intellectual...
Jul 5, 2012
A Model Copyright Exemption to Serve the Visually Impaired: An Alternative to the Treaty Proposals B
Copyright law presents visually impaired persons with serious barriers to access of the written word. A recent international effort...
Jun 6, 2012
Plugging the Leak in § 1498: Coercing the United States into Notifying Patent Owners of Government U
When the United States uses a patent for public, noncommercial purposes, it is required under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of...
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