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Jan 8, 2014
Optimal Asylum
The U.S. asylum system is noble but flawed. Scholars have long recognized that asylum is a “scarce” political resource, but U.S. law...
Apr 11, 2013
Stateless in the United States: Current Reality and a Future Prediction
Statelessness exists in the United States—a fact that should be of concern to advocates of strict immigration control as well as those...
Feb 12, 2013
The Point of a Points System: Attracting Highly Skilled Immigrants the United States Needs and Ensur
In a globalizing world, labor is an increasingly mobile and competitive resource. Responding to this changing labor market, countries...
Jul 20, 2012
Whose Child Is This?: Genetic Analysis and Family Reunification Immigration in France
In an attempt to limit fraudulent family reunification immigration and control how many migrants enter its borders, France statutorily...
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