The Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law is now accepting submissions for the 2024-2025 academic year.
VJTL welcomes submissions in all fields of international law from both academic and practitioner authors, as well as other related disciplines. The journal is especially interested in scholarship that is underrepresented in the international legal discourse, by authors with a J.D. or international J.D. equivalent, and of at least 10,000 words in length (excluding footnotes).
To submit a piece for publication review, please upload your manuscript (.docx) and CV through our Scholastica page at
If you are unable to submit via Scholastica, we can accept submissions via email at
Footnotes must conform with The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (most recent edition), and authors should be prepared to supply any cited sources upon request. Please include in your CV a direct email address and phone number at which you can be reached throughout the review period.