Joshua Minchin, Editor in Chief
Joshua Minchin is the 2019-2020 editor in chief of the Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law. Previously he lectured at Hang Seng University of Hong Kong and then worked at a nonprofit refugee resettlement agency in Nashville. He graduated from the University of Florida with degrees in public relations and political science.
David Kolansky, Executive Editor
Originally from Philadelphia, David is a rising 3L with interests in antitrust, white collar, and securities litigation, as well as international law. Before coming to Vanderbilt Law School, David worked for a government consulting firm in Washington, D.C. While at Vanderbilt, David has participated in the 2L Moot Court competition as an Octo-finalist, and is a member of Vanderbilt’s Law and Business Society. His Note, A Constitutional Concern for Reversing Rapprochement: Did the United States Government Take U.S. Property in Cuba, examines the legal consequences for U.S. claimants who hold property interests in Cuba and has been selected for publication in Spring, 2020. Upon graduation, David looks forward to moving to New York to begin his legal career.